The Milan Charta will be our compass.
An evening with Massimiliano Tarantino to find out about about the Milan Charta, a collective manifesto, a global, political and sensitization act about the food and nutrition's role for a better quality of life.

More than five thousand scientists came to Milan before and during Expo. There were seven thousand meetings and billions of visitors. But the universal exposition is not only about numbers and it will go on showing its major result especially after closing its doors. It is the Ispra council that fully got the deep meaning of the heritage that Expo can leave to us. So, after it organised other nice community moments in the project 141Expo, the mayor Melissa De Santis and her collaborators well thought about inviting Massimiliano Tarantino, the Secretary General of the Feltrinelli Foundation and coordinator of the Milan Charta’s editorial staff to talk about the future thanks to Expo.
“Paris Expo 1900 left us a material heritage such as the Eiffel tower. So that meeting was the occasion to focus on the progress of techniques, mathematics and engineering.
Forty billions of people came to Shanghai and that was the occasion for China to show all its own energy and economical rise. It is an extraordinary occasion for us to focus on the most important theme of the life of all humanity. The heritage of Expo is going to be great and letting to build a motorway of the knowledge where it is possible to find the main topics”.
In front of a numerous public Tarantino discussed how the Milan Charta was born and why it is so important.
The big collaborative work started from an Expo Laboratory promoted by Feltrinelli Foundation and that was presided over by philosopher Salvatore Veca.
“We built a compass, that we made all together to understand where to go. A compass that does not points towards North but points straight to our future and it suggests to us principals and actions that we must follow and carry out to be able to proudly say that we left nothing unattempted to assure a healthier, a fairer, better planet to the next generations.
This is Milan Charta: an open and collaborative platform that gathers the experiences and the results of all the cultural initiatives linked to the Milan Expo 2015’s topics and turns them into a collective manifesto, a political and global sensitization act about the food and the nutrition for a better quality of life than the one that Salvatore Vecca defines “the big city of the human race”.
More than a million people have signed this important document that in its own preface sets the big responsibility that any one of us can take upon themselves in front of a global challenge like the one to feed the planet. “Us, both women and men, inhabitants of this planet, subscribe to this document, called the Milan Charta, to take upon ourselves definite tasks related to the right to eat that we think should be considered a fundamental human right.
In fact we retain that the lack to the access to healthy, sufficient and nutritious food, clean water and energy is a violation to the human dignity.
We consider that only our collective action as citizens, together with the civil society, the enterprises and the local, national and international institutions will be able to let us win the big challenges related to the food: to fight against the undernourishment and the malnutrition, to promote an equal access to natural resources, to guarantee a sustainable management of production process”.
Massimiliano Tarantino focused on the great importance of the community sense that the Milan Charta owns.
Our newspaper, together with the Ispra council sets the challenge to promote vigorously concrete actions on the provincial territory that will let us get the Milan Charta signed by every municipal administrations.
Anyone can sign the Milan Charta and here you can find all information.
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